Friday, September 26, 2008


Its after midnight. I just got home from taking some stuff to my sweetheart who is working night shift.
On the way out of the hospital, and then on the way home past some bars, and then driving through some housing projects, I could see broken lives. Each with his own journey, her own pain, their own poor choices, and with those, consequences. I often think at times like that, reflective and just a little sleepy, " God, what can be done for all of these, really. How can we fix our society. How can we increase the chances for individuals and families to survive and stay healthy in this world. And, really, I've got enough of my own work cut out for me."
So God seemed to say, "Yeah, it hurts my heart too, to see pain and emptiness. But I haven't called you to fix people, just to Love them. Love them with my love, and tell them the good news. But don't worry too much about fixing. You're all trade-ins anyhow. And I've got that covered already."

We're not really evolving. We're spiraling down the bathtub drain. We need replacing, not fixing.

That's a relief.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike.
    Good thoughts. I asked Jeff the other day after spending sometime with a young teenage mom, on a path of hurt and pain, and with the consequence thereof - what more can I do. I felt the same. It's overwhelming to consider the time and effort that would have to be put in to even change her heart and the direction she's on. I must keep in mind I'm not the fixer!! Thanks Mike
