Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Number 5 on the Eagles is a cute little fireplug, full of enthusiasm and a love for the game. When tonight's soccer match was canceled, Number 5 convinced me to stay for a little 1 on 1 full field scrimmage. Obviously, she had the advantage, being a well conditioned non-smoker, with no extra baggage to haul up and down the field. She also happens to have her dad wrapped. We played. 1-0. 2-0, 3-0, and so on. End to end action: Me always missing; She always coming back to score. Around 5-0, and 20 minutes into the fierce battle, the field lights go out, and the last of the cars exits from the parking lot. Thank God. [you'll understand the gratitude in a moment] Number 5 gets the ball about half field, having overrun the old lad for a turnover. She turns the ball, and heads directly in what I remember to be the direction of my net. I realize now she has just picked up another advantage. She can see farther in the dark. Navigating by the stars, I turn and give chase. Laughter...taunts...more laughter...Feet pounding. I slow just in case we're closing in on a goalpost. She takes advantage of the extra stride and shoots hard and low. Just wide. So, with energy to spare, she follows the shot, and returns the ball to the field. "Goal Kick," I assert. (yeah, I'm working on the assertiveness thing). She places the ball at the corner of the box, raises her arm and walks backward, receding into the blackness. "Ready... tweet" and, I imagine, the raised arm falls decisively. Now, I'm thinking... this is a great father-daughter moment. I have to score at least one, so its gotta be a long kick. Really long. Just don't screw it up by hitting the kid in the nose! Not the nose.... NOT the nose.... The nose....nose....nose.
And now you know... the rest of the story. Focus is really powerful, even in reverse. Fortunately, Number 5 did get up again after several loud and hysterical minutes, and came back to finish humiliating her opponent 8-0. (aided by the lights of a few of the neighboring backyards, who must have wondered what the screaming in the darkened soccer park was all about) So, Thanks Number 5 for my fresh reminder of the power of focus. I wonder if I could simulate that same focus with the same kind of absolute intensity, like "DON'T score...."

1 comment:

  1. Poor Val! This reminds me of a Ben Stiller moment in Meet the Parents (my favourite part of the whole movie). This is also something I need to do: reverse my reverse focus. But if I focus on reversing my reverse focus, I think it ends up even more reversed on itself.
